About Us

KONA \k?-nä\ n 1: An awesome photojournalism gallery and learning center in San Clemente, Republic of California founded by Scott Mc Kiernan.
2. On western coast of the island of Hawai'i Kona means Leeward (the direction downwind from the point of reference) in Hawaiian. 
3. The CEO of The KONA Gallery: Kona the Dog (a.k.a Scott Mc Kiernan's black lab). 
The KONA Gallery and Photojournalism Center was launched by Scott Mc Kiernan on October 12, 2009. The KONA Center hosts exhibition receptions monthy, with a dynamic rotation of photographic art in its three exhibitions spaces:
1. KONA Photojournalism Gallery : Socially concerned photojournalism + reportage by some of the leading photographers of our time
2. BIG Wednesday Artist Space : Mixed media, where different mediums meet and blossom – the sum greater than the parts), the Home of the Big Wednesday Photo NIght Lecture Series, a free monthly event held for industry professionals and aficionados alike.
3. Z Surf Gallery : Surf related art and photography by the masters of surf photography.